We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with Ohr Hadassah. There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our organization and help to strengthen our operations.
Supporting us has never been easier, and any contribution is appreciated. Below is a breakdown of our campaign goals. Sign up and send your personal link around to raise money for Ohr Hadassah.
Among all the classic chessed options for seminary girls, the option to work for Jen Kotler’s chessed boutique to help widowed and orphaned women feel beautiful and confident with their wardrobe definitely stood out to us. Choosing to work for My Happy Place has been a fun and fulfilling experience for all of us. Getting to meet the most incredible volunteers and customers taught us to appreciate all the good we have and inspired us to seek out what makes us happy when tragedy strikes. We enjoyed our experience so much, we would voluntarily work extra hours just to be in the warm and comfortable environment of the boutique. Organizing the store, trips to the machsan, and mid-afternoon runs to Head Over Heels are among the many experiences we will look happily back upon. But having the privilege of working for Jen has been the true highlight of our experience. A true role model in all that she does, we have learned so much from observing the way she runs the store from her own pocket, speaks kindly to every customer, and devotes so much of her time to her chessed despite being a busy mother and working another job. Thank you, Jen, for making chessed our Happy Place.
Michlalah Volunteers